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They are characterised by a concentrated portfolio of funds with flexible, balanced, and absolute/total return strategies as well as a fund selection approach focused on highly specialised investment boutiques. The flexibility of the exposure to several markets derives from the asset allocation decisions made by specialised third-party managers selected by Cassa Lombarda’s Asset Management Team.
The best absolute return, flexible, and balanced strategies from third-party managers
The strategy carries a medium/low risk profile and is suited to investors looking to achieve gradual capital appreciation by investing in a portfolio of absolute/total return, flexible, and balanced funds. The flexibility in adjusting the exposure to several financial markets is largely delegated to select third-party managers. The construction of the portfolio is based on the contribution to overall risk with the goal of reducing the correlation between the different strategies so as to achieve a strong risk/return profile. The more volatile component (flexible and balanced funds) may range from 10% to 50% and the exposure to absolute/total return funds from 50% to 90%. The investment area is international.
€ 50.000
The best flexible and balanced strategies from third-party managers
The strategy carries a medium risk profile and is suited to investors looking to achieve capital appreciation over the medium/long term by investing in a portfolio that includes mostly flexible and balanced funds. The flexibility in adjusting the exposure to several financial markets is largely delegated to select third-party managers. The construction of the portfolio is based on the contribution to overall risk with the goal of reducing the correlation between the different strategies so as to achieve a strong risk/return profile. The more volatile component (flexible and balanced funds) may range from 50% to 100% and the exposure to absolute/total return funds goes up to 50%. The investment area is international.
€ 50.000